Research reveals significant negative side effects of female birth control pills, despite their revolutionary impact on contraception. With 58% of women using oral contraceptives for non-contraceptive reasons including menstrual discomfort, acne, and migraines, concerns arise about potential side effects such as strokes, breast cancer, and lowered libido. Therefore, exploring natural alternatives and tailored nutritional strategies becomes crucial.
Food for Flow is a booklet that offers girls aged 15-20 customisable, nutrient-rich ingredients to naturally address specific health concerns and promote hormonal balance. Instead of resorting to pharmaceutical drugs like the contraceptive pill for non-contraceptive reasons, it aims to empower young women to make informed choices about their health and embrace the natural alternative route.
I connected personally with Food For Flow, recalling my own experience with birth control side effects at 15. Through conversations and research, I developed additional personas to fully understand my target audience before diving into the project
sketchbook pages demonstrating my research skills, featuring in-depth exploration of scientific articles and personal correspondence with a nutritionist to ensure accurate information for the Food For Flow booklet
sketchbook examples of food For Flow's logo ideation and refinement alongside its visual identity in the form of type, illustration and colour pallet
I experimented with collage and riso-printing to help inspire illustrative designs for the booklet
sketchbook examples show thumbnail layouts and final in-context photographs of the Food For Flow booklet, paired with 'Rheal Superfoods' as a natural supplement sponsor.